Annual events in  January - May, 2025

When: Jan. 1, 1:30AM
Where: Norfolk State University 2024-2025


 January:  Popcorn Drive Fundraiser, Service Day – Donate to the Spartan Pantry, and attend basketball games played in the DMV.

February:  NSU Alumni Basketball Weekend, Attend HBCU Night w/ Wizards, 2025 – 2026 PGCMDC NSUAA Scholarship Applications Distribution, NSU Concert Choir at First Baptist Highland Park Church.

March:  MEAC Basketball Tournament at the Scope.

April:  NSUF 5k Run/Walk, HBCU Bowling Party.

May: NSU Spring CommencementScholarship Awarded to High School Students in PG County and Current NSU Students.

The Annual Renewal Membership dues collected April - June.

We encourage you to renew your membership between May 1- June 30, 2024 for the July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 membership year.  Member (Non-Life Members) dues are $50.00 plus $2.00 if you pay online with PayPal.  $50.00 if you mail the check to:
PO Box 183
Waldorf, MD  20604

Please note that Lifetime Membership is $500.00 until June 30, 2024. 
Starting July 1, 2024, the Lifetime Membership will increase by $250.00, totaling $750.00 
You can make installment payments or a one time payment. 
 A.  Installment Plan ----> NSUAA Lifetime Three Year Plan $167.00 per year
 B.  Installment Plan ----> NSUAA Lifetime Two Year Plan    $250.00 per year
 C.  One Time Payment ----> NSUAA Lifetime Member    $500.00
The benefit for one time payment, you will only be paying $25.00 (plus $2.00 PayPal fee) in July for the local Chapter dues. If you choose to pay the installment plan ---> you will continue to pay the $50.00 (plus $2.00 PayPal fee) yearly until you complete the payment plan.  Once the $500.00 is completed then it's $25 per year only,

Choose a committee in which you would like to join:
○ Scholarship Committee
○ Membership Committee
○ FundRaising / Annual Giving Committee
○ Technology / Social Media Committee
○ Homecoming Committee
○ Special Committee
Our Chapter meetings are still held monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:30pm -
7:30pm Center for Advanced Technology (CAT Building) Room 212 Prince George’s Community College, Largo MD 20774
(via ZOOM

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

When: Feb. 1, 11:45AM
Where: 301 Largo Road Largo, MD 20774 -Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 212


Congratulations to the Chapter members that received the 2024 Lifetime Membership under the Norfolk State University Alumni Association, Inc (NSUAA).  The NSUAA recognized over 200 individuals that became Life Members and our Chapter had over 10 members that were honored Saturday, February 1st at the Lifetime Membership Reception.  We had an amazing time at the annual Casino Night Fundraiser with Coach Michael Vick and his Staff.   Most importantly, the NSU Women and Men's Basketball Team won the doubleheader game against South Carolina State University at Joseph G. Echols Hall, both teams are in first place in the MEAC!
Special thanks to those who donated Nonperishable Food and essential items to the Norfolk State University Spartan Food Pantry and Professional Clothes Closet for the National Day of Service,  January 15th - Friday, January 31st. 
Upcoming dates and events:
February 10th - 14th Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser (see details below)
February 13th            Chapter Meeting; location: Prince George's Community College  (Zoom options) -- wear RED
February 16th            PGCMDC Scholarship Applications go live to the High Schools 
February 22nd           NSU Women's Basketball Game at Coppin State University 2:00pm  (Baltimore)
February 22nd           NSU Men's Basketball Game at Coppin State University 4:30pm  (Baltimore)
February 23rd            NSU Choir at First Baptist Highland Park  6801 Sheriff Rd, Landover, MD 20785  (Black History Program)
February 27th            Executive Committee Meeting, via Zoom
March 6th                 NSU Women's Basketball Game at Howard University 5:00pm  (Washington DC)
March 6th                 NSU Men's Basketball Game at Howard University 7:30pm  (Washington DC)
March 12th - 15th     MEAC Basketball Tournament, Norfolk Scope
March 13th                Chapter Meeting; location: Prince George's Community College  (Zoom options)
March 15th                DC / Maryland Black College Expo  -- Walter E. Washington Convention Center  10:00am to 3:00pm  -- NEED three voluntaries 
March 27th                Executive Committee Meeting, via Zoom
April 10th                   Chapter Meeting, location Prince George's Community College  (Zoom options)
April 12th                   The NSUF Virtual 5k Run/Walk
April 18th                   2025 - 2026 Scholarship Application Deadline 
April 24th                   Executive Committee Meeting, via Zoom
April 26th                   5th Annual Ultimate HBCU Experience  10:00am - 3:00pm  Southern Area Aquatics and Recreation Complex (SAARC)
May 8th                     Chapter Meeting, location Prince George's Community College  (Zoom options)
May 8th                     Spring Senior Class Toast
May 9th                     Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner
May 10th                   114th Commencement Ceremony
May 10th                    NSUAA Board of Director Meeting 
May 22nd                   Executive Committee Meeting, via Zoom  
June 12th                  Chapter Meeting / Scholarship Fellowship, Releve Coworking & Events   5010 Brown Station Road   Upper Marlboro, MD 
June  21st                  NSUAA Sips & Sundresses Fundraiser
June  24th                  Executive Committee Meeting, via Zoom
Fundraiser (Double Good Popcorn):  Our fundraising window begins on February 10, 2025, at 5:00 PM and goes until February 14, 2025, at 5:00 PM.

Before the fundraiser begins:
1. Download the Double Good app
2. Enter our event code TPDZJD in the app
3. Create your Pop-Up Store

The app is available for free on iOS and Android.We encourage everyone to participate or make a donation towards the Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser ---> goal is $5,000.00.  The chapter will receive 50 percent of the profit. Please purchase the Popcorn to help us raise funds to give scholarships to deserving High School Seniors and current NSU Students (Merit, Book & Legacy). 
If you prefer not to sell Popcorn, please consider making a donation to the chapter. DO NOT MAKE a monetary donation to the Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser website -----> only to the Chapter's website --
   1.  PayPal PGCMDC NSUAA 
   2.  Mail a check to PGCMDC (Memo section: Donation Popcorn)
                                 PO Box 183
                                 Waldorf, MD 20604
MEAC:   March 12th - March 15th
Tournament ticket books are on sale now at the NSU Ticket Center, which is open Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $135 per booklet.  This year's tournament tickets will be digital (no physical tickets); Fans are asked to download the Ticketmaster app to their mobile device for quick and easy access the week of the tournament. All tournament tickets must be bought in-person only at the NSU Ticket Center, located between Joseph Echols Hall and William "Dick" Price Stadium. The 2025 MEAC Tournament runs March 12th -15th at the Norfolk Scope Arena. For more information, call (757) 823-9009.
Chapter Meeting:   Location:  Prince George's Community College
                                301 Largo Road
                                Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), Room 212
                                Largo, MD 20774
                                Parking Lot H
                                Time:       6:00pm - 6:30 light refreshments
                                                 6:30pm -7:30 meeting

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