The PGCMDC is proud to announce that you can now conduct your alumni chapter business online!!! You can pay your annual dues, purchase NSU Alumni license plates, * and event tickets right from your computer. No longer will you have to look for a stamp and write out a check. Just click the appropriate button and follow the instructions.
The online payment service works through PayPal and is quick, safe and secure. Your financial information is never given out, so you do not have to worry about unauthorized access to your bank account. All online payment options include a $2 charge for processing that PayPal charges us to use the service. * Those wishing to purchase the NSU alumni license plates must first contact the chapter for the necessary paperwork. You will NOT be able to get the plates from the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration without first completing this paperwork.
Join us for our monthly chapter meeting on the Second Thursday of the month.
Upcoming Meeting Dates 2024: April 11th | May 9th | June 13th | July 11th | August 8th | September 12th | October 10th |November 14th | December 12th
Upcoming Meeting Dates 2025: January 9th| February 13th | March 13th| April 10th |May 9th | June 12th | July 10th | August 14th | September 11th | October 9th | November 13th | December 11th
Time: 6:30pm - 7:45pm Location: Virtual or in person (check calendar link below for details)
One tap mobile 1 (305) 224-1968, 83971612391# US 1 (309) 205-3325 ,83971612391# US
Welcome to Prince George’s County Maryland Chapter Norfolk State University Alumni Association Celebrating 30 Years of Service 1994 - 2024 Donate Today
Valid 1/2/2025
- 5/4/2025
All graduates have access to the benefits and resources listed below. If you would like to learn more about the many benefits that are available to you. The Alumni Relations staff is excited to keep you connected to your alma mater.
The PGCMDC has twenty-five (25) vibrant chapters throughout the country. These chapters provide an endless connection to the SPARTAN NATION and opportunities to create new friends. Contact the chapter representative near you.
Alumni and friends have demonstrated their commitment to the PGCMDC, its programs and activities by becoming life members of the association. We would like to thank all our members listed below.
✓ What are the annual membership dues? Answer: Membership dues are $50 per year. The financial year runs from July to June. Membership dues may be mailed to: PGCMDC PO Box 183 Waldorf , MD 20604 Make checks payable to "PGCMDC." Or you can pay with a credit card
✓ Do I have to be a graduate of NSU to join the alumni association. Answer: No, you do not have to be a graduate. Whether you started at NSU and finished elsewhere, never finished, have a child at NSU, or just want to support the university, you can join the alumni association.
✓ Are there meetings? If so, when? Answer: Meetings are normally held from 3pm-5pm on the second Sunday of the month. Some meetings are by teleconference, others are face-to-face. Check the "Upcoming Events" section for meeting details. Because of the National Leadership Conference, no meetings are held in July.
✓ Do I have to attend every meeting? Answer: While we do like for members to attend the meetings to help present new ideas and perspectives, we realize that we all have very busy lives. If you cannot make the meetings you can assist the chapter in other ways such as providing monetary support for activities, staffing of events and attending chapter activities.
✓ Do I have to live in Prince George's County to be a member? Answer: No, you do not have to live in Prince George's County. As a matter of fact, we have members from Baltimore City; Anne Arundel, Howard and Montgomery Counties; as well as Washington, DC.
Better School. Better Grades. Guaranteed.
Year Established
Undergraduate Majors
Satisfaction Guarantee
Enjoy all the benefits of membership and stay connected with other alumni members.